NCASI Caribou Research Program

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NCASI Publications

NCASI Webcasts

NCASI has hosted several webcasts on key topics relevant to development and execution of its caribou and nutrition research program. Presentations by key members of the research team have covered: (1) background information and science related to the development of the project; (2) an understanding of the specific strengths of each key research team member; and (3) expanded information on the specific research to be undertaken during the captive (tame) caribou phase of the project.

Recordings of the most recent webcasts are available to NCASI members.

For more information, contact Kirsten Vice (gro.isacn@ecivk) or Dr. Kevin Solarik (gro.isacn@kiralosk) in the NCASI Montreal office.

Other Resources

  • Technical review of research note published in Conservation Biology by Schaefer (2003): Long-term range recession and the persistence of Caribou in the Taiga (May 2008).
  • Technical review of paper published in ÉcoScience by Courtois et al.: Effects of forest disturbance on density, space use, and mortality of woodland caribou (April 2008).
  • Review of Nature Quebec Report: Criteria and Suggestions for Protected Areas for Woodland Caribou (March 2008).
  • Technical review of paper published in Journal of Wildlife Management by Vors et al.: Woodland caribou extirpation and anthropogenic landscape disturbance in Ontario (September 2007).
  • Comment on paper published in Population Ecology by Wittmer et al.: Hypothesis testing for top-down and bottom-up effects in woodland caribou population dynamics (September 2007).