Technical Bulletin No. 0203: Laboratory and Pilot Plant Studies of Water Reclamation January 01, 1967
Technical Bulletin No. 0033: Atmospheric Pollution Literature Review 1965-1966 (AQTB) January 01, 1967
Technical Bulletin No. 0204: Effluent System of New Zealand Kraft Mill for Discharge into Classified Waters January 01, 1967
Technical Bulletin No. 0034: Current Practices in Thermal Oxidation of Noncondensible Gases in the Kraft Industry (AQTB) January 01, 1967
Technical Bulletin No. 0205: The Effects of Coating Room Losses on Effluent Clarification January 01, 1967
Technical Bulletin No. 0206: Mathematical Models of Pulp and Paper Waste Disposal Systems January 01, 1967
Technical Bulletin No. 0207: Effects of Heat on Dewaterability of Biological Sludges January 01, 1967
Technical Bulletin No. 0209: Progress in Primary and Secondary Sludge Disposal at Three Integrated Southeastern Papermills January 01, 1967
Technical Bulletin No. 0191: Temperature Relationships in Aerobic Treatment and Disposal of Pulp and Paper Wastes January 01, 1966
Technical Bulletin No. 0192: Papers Presented at the 1966 Annual Meeting of Members of the National Council for Stream Improvement, Inc. January 01, 1966
Technical Bulletin No. 0193: COD and BOD Relationships of Raw and Biologically Treated Kraft Mill Effluents January 01, 1966
Technical Bulletin No. 0194: Practice in Handling Barker Effluents in Mills in the United States January 01, 1966
Technical Bulletin No. 0195: Foaming Characteristics of Pulping Wastes During Biological Treatment January 01, 1966
Technical Bulletin No. 0196: Paper Mill Waste Water for Crop Irrigation and Its Effects on the Soil January 01, 1966
Technical Bulletin No. 0198: Continuous Monitoring of Kraft Mill Stack Gases with a Process Gas Chromatograph January 01, 1966
Technical Bulletin No. 0029: Status of Present Investigations and Future Research Needs in Atmospheric Pollution Control (AQTB) January 01, 1966
Technical Bulletin No. 0030: A Manual for Direct Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Sulfur Gases in Process Streams (AQTB) January 01, 1966
Technical Bulletin No. 0190: Manual of Practice for Sludge Handling in the Pulp and Paper Industry January 01, 1966
Technical Bulletin No. 0188: The Development and Successful Operation of a Closed White Water System at Two Carolina Paperboard Mills January 01, 1965
Technical Bulletin No. 0180: 1964 Review of the Literature on Pulp and Paper Mill Wastes January 01, 1965
Technical Bulletin No. 0023: Absorption of Odorous Sulfur Compounds in Chlorine and Caustic Solutions (AQTB) January 01, 1965
Technical Bulletin No. 0181: Decolorization of Pulp Mill Bleaching Effluents Using Activated Carbon January 01, 1965
Technical Bulletin No. 0024: Black Liquor Oxidation as a Method for Reducing Air Pollution from Sulfate Pulping and Foam Fractionation of Black Liquor from Sulfate Pulping (AQTB) January 01, 1965
Technical Bulletin No. 0182: Colorimetric Measurement of Resin Acid Soaps in Pulp and Paper Mill Wastes January 01, 1965
Technical Bulletin No. 0025: The Effect of Hydrogen Sulfide on Various Surfaces (AQTB) January 01, 1965
Technical Bulletin No. 0026: Air Pollution Control at Champion Papers Inc., Pasadena Mill, Texas (AQTB) January 01, 1965
Technical Bulletin No. 0184: Comparative Studies on the Analysis for Dissolved Oxygen January 01, 1965
Technical Bulletin No. 0185: Papers Presented at the 1965 Annual Meeting of Members of the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. January 01, 1965
Technical Bulletin No. 0028: A Method of Measuring the Concentration of Sulfur Compounds in Process Gas Streams (AQTB) January 01, 1965
Technical Bulletin No. 0187: Reuse of Condensates from Kraft Recovery Plant Operations January 01, 1965
Technical Bulletin No. 0179: Stream Protection through Effluent BOD load control at the Weyerhaeuser Kraft Mill in Plymouth, NC January 01, 1964
Technical Bulletin No. 0020: Manual for Calibration and Use of High-Volume Air Samplers in the Measurement of Suspended Particulate Matter (AQTB) January 01, 1964