
NCASI activity is guided by decisions of its membership. Representatives of NCASI Member Companies meet annually to set the membership dues rate and appoint a Board of Governors, which consists of approximately 25 senior executives. In turn, the Board and its Executive Committee direct the organization’s financial, administrative, and technical affairs.

The Board appoints a U.S. Steering Committee, composed of U.S. Member Company senior personnel familiar with the environmental issues facing the forest products industry. The Steering Committee meets several times a year to identify and prioritize research projects undertaken in the NCASI Technical Studies Program, and to monitor progress in achieving results. Ad hoc committees of specialists are convened as needed to provide expert advice in certain fields, such as forestry and health effects.

Likewise, a Canadian Steering Committee, composed of environmental managers from Canadian Member Companies, guides NCASI’s program in Canada. The Steering Committee meets regularly to identify issues of concern to the forest products industry in Canada, identify new research opportunities, review progress on projects, and set the technical agenda. Other advisory panels are convened as needed to address regional and provincial matters.