
Forest management practices that enhance value of southeastern managed pine landscapes to bird communities

December 01, 2022 Attachment: Managed_Pine_Stands_in_SE_US_Infographic

The southeastern US is widely known as a bastion of privately-owned, managed pine (Pinus spp.) forests, comprised primarily of native pine species. The region supports high levels of biodiversity, but also a multi-billion-dollar forest products economy critical to socioeconomic stability of rural areas.

NCASI participated in a systematic review of studies focused exclusively on avifaunal associations within privately-owned, managed pine landscapes in the southeastern US, which resulted in the publication of a peer-reviewed article in the journal Forests. The authors concluded that, overall, it appears that avian communities can be best maintained by providing a diverse mosaic of forest conditions in managed pine landscapes. Based on these findings, NCASI prepared this infographic to illustrate forest management practices that enhance value of southeastern managed pine landscapes to bird communities, highlighting bird species found in forest stands that are recently harvested, regenerating, intermediate aged, and mature.

Infographic of forest management practices that enhance the value of southeastern managed pine landscapes to bird communities