Special Report No. 94-01: NCASI Technical Workshop – 'Effects of Alternative Pulping and Bleaching Process on Production and Biotreatability of Chlorinated Organics'

In the course of development of industry comment on EPA’s proposed effluent limitations guidelines, it became evident that it would be highly desirable to undertake a group discussion of the current state of industry knowledge, particularly that developed at mill level, of the effect of mill-demonstrated delignification process technology changes on both the chemical composition and subsequent biotreatability and biotreatment system response of bleach plant filtrates. This was considered to be particularly important for the specific chlorinated phenolic compounds for which EPA had proposed limitations, as well as for AOX, the generic parameter for chlorinated organic compounds, for which EPA had also proposed numerical limitations keyed to a highly limited field-derived data base related to the application of both oxygen delignification and full chlorine dioxide substitution for elemental chlorine. NCASI undertook the organization of such a workshop, with participation by seven (7) companies having undertaken such studies, and four (4) research organizations in the United States and Canada with significant inputs on these two linked questions.