Technical Bulletin No. 0008: New Jersey Air Pollution Control Code (APGB)

The Air Pollution Control Commission of the New Jersey State Department of Health has recently adopted Chapters IV and V of the New Jersey Air Pollution Control Code, These chapters deal with the control and prohibition of air pollution by smoke and combustion of solid fuel. The proposed regulations apply equally in all sectors of the State, irrespective, of the residential and industrial concentration in the area. Chapter IV, which applies to smoke control, becomes effective January 1, 1958; while Chapter V, controlling fly ash, becomes operative July 1, 1958. This latter Chapter requires all installation burning in excess of approximately one ton of coal per day to submit within ninety days of the effective date detailed information concerning fly ash emissions. While these regulations apply only to New Jersey, it is believed they will be of general interest to the industry as they are perhaps indicative of the legislation to be promulgated under the new state-wide air pollution laws.