Technical Bulletin No. 0017: Rules to Prevent New Air Pollution and Current Guidelines for Prevention of New Air Pollution (APGB)

The New York State Air Pollution Control Board has recently promulgated the attached "Rules to Prevent New Air Pollution". While these rules relate only to proposed new sources of air contamination and modifications to existing sources which might reasonably be expected to contribute to air pollution, they appear to provide an indication regarding what the Board's program toward existing sources may be. It was felt that the attached "Current Guides for the Prevention of New Air Pollution” which will be issued separately by the Board, would be especially interesting to member mills. These "Guides", which are not meant to be used as rigid design or performance standards according to the Board, do set forth emission recommendations for a large number of gaseous and particulate contaminants, some of which are present in pulping discharges. Individual mills may find it helpful to evaluate their current gaseous emissions with these "Guides".