Technical Bulletin No. 0041: Compendium of Methods for Measuring Ambient Air Quality and Process Emissions Part 1 – Basic Information (AQTB)
During 1968 the National Council staff began work on the assembly of a compendium of methods for measuring ambient air quality and process emissions. It was recognized at the outset that such a compendium would require constant updating as new techniques evolved and were proven useful in practice, and others became obsolete. A format was therefore developed which would permit distribution of completed (and subsequently revised) sections of this compendium as regular technical bulletins as they became available, accompanied by an updated Table of Contents which would relate each section to the total project. Each technical bulletin in this series will therefore carry the same general title as a reminder of its place in the Compendium. The third bulletin to be distributed contains several types of basic information; namely a glossary of terms, standard units of expression, conversion factors, flow measurement and calibration techniques, and typical gas sampling calculations. The material is grouped into three (3) sections as shown in the attached "Organization of Compendium."