Technical Bulletin No. 0121: An Analysis of the Data Resulting from a Four-year Study of the Striped Bass Fishery in the Roanoke River and Albemarle Sound

The attached National Council Technical Bulletin was prepared by Dr. Willis Van Horn, of the Institute of Paper Chemistry, at the request of Halifax Paper Company, through whose courtesy it was made available for publication. Investigations providing the basis for this review were conducted by Drs. B. B. Brandt and W. W. Hassler and associates, of North Carolina State College. This group has been engaged in the study of the striped-bass fishery of the Roanoke River, supported jointly by the National Council and member mills immediately concerned with this stream. This long-term study is designed to establish the major factors involved in maintaining such a fishery and to determine what effects, if any, the presence of kraft pulping effluents exert upon a migratory fish population.