Technical Bulletin No. 0218: Long-term Storage as an Effective Method of Treating Pulp and Paper Mill Wastes
Included in the Technical Program of the National Council's 1968 Members Meeting was a paper by William C. Chapman, describing the development, operation, performance and underlying water quality protection approach of the long- term storage system employed at the Union Camp Corporation, Franklin, Virginia bleached kraft mill. This paper was subsequently edited, and is now being distributed as a Technical Bulletin, since it documents the successful application of the treatment-discharge system design methodology originally presented in NCASI Technical Bulletin No. 108 "Efficient Utilization of Water Resources for Industrial Waste Disposal" (September 1958). That report, prepared by Professor C. J. Velz, long time director of the National Council's Hydrology and Stream Analysis Project, showed how long-term storage could be successfully matched with the annual waste assimilative capacity of extremely low drought flow systems so as to protect receiving water quality.