
Emission Factors

Efforts in this area of NCASI’s program are oriented towards generating reliable data on emissions from forest products manufacturing. Leveraging NCASI expertise on measurement and analytical methods, NCASI conducts or directs emission studies that result in the development of factors that fill critical data gaps as Members rely on these emission factors for Title V permitting, emissions inventories & ambient impact modeling. Current focus is to develop reliable filterable PM2.5, Condensable PM and HAP emission factors – the former for PSD applicability analyses and the latter to reflect post-MACT performance at pulp and paper mills.

Emission Factors


Air Toxics

NCASI builds on an understanding of industrial processes, measurement methods and emissions measurement data to develop emission factors. Technical studies seek to fill critical gaps in emissions data in a timely manner, for maximum use in regulatory development and permitting. NCASI leverages this expertise to address challenging member questions related…

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Measuring Flue Gas CO2

Criteria Pollutants

NCASI leverages expertise in emissions measurement data and an understanding of industrial processes to develop emission factors for use in emissions reporting, inventory development and permitting. Examples include NOx emissions from chemical recovery sources, SO2 emissions from wood-fired boilers and the potential for PM2.5 emissions from wood and bark handling…

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Measuring Flue Gas CO2

Data Compilations

NCASI compiles information on emissions of Hazardous Air Pollutants, Criteria Pollutants and other Air Toxics in capstone emission summary reports.  This work critically reviews a large amount of emissions information, develops technically justifiable estimation approaches and condenses the emissions data to a form that is more useful to members.

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Measuring Flue Gas CO2