Analytical Resources & Methods

This section of the website provides “one-stop” member access to analytical testing resources provided by NCASI and others. Beginning on this webpage, you can easily find analytical methods and guidance, locate an expert, or request assistance. Note that NCASI does not perform testing for compliance monitoring purposes; however, we can help ensure that your environmental testing needs are met in a technically sound and efficient manner.

NCASI Analytical Resources

Evaluation and tracking of regulatory methods: NCASI often evaluates methods proposed by EPA for regulatory monitoring purposes, such as EPA Method 1650 for adsorbable organic halide, EPA Method 1653 for chlorinated phenolics, and EPA Method 1631 for mercury. In some cases, NCASI also develops workarounds to deal with interferences or other problems that are discovered when EPA methods are applied to forest products industry samples. Results of these studies are typically summarized in NCASI Technical Bulletins and Special Reports. The NCASI Analytical Resources pages provide links to these documents.

Environmental monitoring guidance: NCASI provides guidance on sampling  techniques, quality assurance and quality control measures, analytical method selection, and contracting with commercial laboratories. The NCASI Analytical Resources pages provide links to these documents. Also, NCASI provides data auditing and troubleshooting services to Member Companies to help resolve questions about test data generated by commercial laboratories.

External Analytical Resources

EPA and other external analytical resources: NCASI staff track changes in regulatory monitoring requirements and EPA methods and guidance materials. Links to EPA’s methods and guidance documents for sampling, analytical testing, and QA/QC are provided on the External Analytical Resources pages. In addition, EPA occasionally approves the use of methods developed by consensus organizations such as ASTM and Standard Methods. These links are also available on the External Analytical Resources pages.

NCASI Analytical Laboratories

NCASI analytical laboratory capabilities: NCASI staff conduct chemical and biological analyses to support NCASI technical study programs. The NCASI Analytical Laboratories are located at the Southern Regional Center in Newberry, Florida.

NCASI Methods Manual

Development of industry specific methods: Analytical methods developed by staff are published in the NCASI Methods Manual, a compendium of analytical methods developed specifically for pulp and paper and forestry applications. Several air and water methods developed by NCASI have been approved by EPA for regulatory monitoring.

NCASI Workplace Guidance

Although NCASI does not conduct workplace measurement testing, the NCASI Workplace Measurement Methods Guide provides descriptions of various methods used to measure chemicals that may be present in pulp and paper industry workplaces. It references information and exposure limits provided by OSHA, NIOSH, and ACGIH, and lists related NCASI publications.

NCASI Product Stewardship Information

Even though NCASI has no formal program to address such issues, NCASI may become involved from time to time in measurement and analysis of compounds found at trace levels in paper, paperboard and solid wood precuts. The results of these investigations, together with the analytical methods used in conducting these studies, are available for review on the Product Stewardship pages. Substance Information Sheets for various compounds are also located there, and may contain information concerning test methods that have been used to quantify compounds present in forest products at trace levels.