Technical Bulletin No. 0797: Management Options for Paper Industry Wastewater Treatment Residuals Containing Dioxins and Furans December 01, 1999
CC-99-042: Final Rule Lowering Reporting Thresholds for Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxic Chemicals and Revising the Vanadium Listing November 12, 1999
CC-99-036: Clarification on NCASI Corporate Correspondent Memorandum 99-34 Regarding the Management of Used Lamps as Universal Wastes August 25, 1999
CC-99-033: Milestones Plan Requirements for Mills Enrolled in EPA’s Voluntary Advanced Technology Incentives Program (VATIP) August 06, 1999
CC-99-034: RCRA- Designation of Used Lamps as Universal Wastes and Final Used Lamp Management Standards August 06, 1999
CC-99-026: Modifications for Coverage of Propane and Other Flammable Hydrocarbon Fuels under the Risk Management Plan Rule June 01, 1999
CC-99-001: Modification of MACT Requirements for Bleach Plants Participating in the Voluntary Advanced Technology Incentives Program January 08, 1999
Special Report No. 99-06: Silviculture and Water Quality: A Quarter Century of Clean Water Act Progress January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0771: Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Wood Products Manufacturing Facilities, Part IV – Particleboard January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0794: Evaluation of OSHA Method ID202, Passive Card Monitors, Detector Tubes, and Passive Bubbler Methods for Workplace Chlorine Dioxide Measurement January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0772: Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Wood Products Manufacturing Facilities, Part V – Oriented Strandboard January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0783: The Use of Immunotoxicity Assays in Aquatic Biology Research January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0793: Solid Waste Management Practices in the U.S. Paper Industry – 1995 January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0773: Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Wood Products Manufacturing Facilities, Part VI – Hardboard and Fiberboard January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0784: 1998 Review of the Literature on Pulp and Paper Industry Effluent Management January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0795: The Technical and Economic Feasibility of Using Low-Temperature Plasmas to Treat Gaseous Emissions from Pulp Mills and Wood Products Plants January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0774: Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Wood Products Manufacturing Facilities, Part VII – Test Methods, Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0785: Chloroform Generation During Chlorine Dioxide Bleaching January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0796: Process Water Quality and Water Reuse Practices at Low- and Zero-Discharge Recycled Paperboard Mills January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0775: Assessing Effects of Timber Harvest on Riparian Zone Features and Functions for Aquatic and Wildlife Habitat January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0786: Stand-Alone Biological Treatment of Kraft Mill Condensates — Pilot Plant Studies January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0776: Scale Considerations and the Detectability of Sedimentary Cumulative Watershed Effects January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0787: Effects of Forest Structure on Spatial Distribution of American Marten January 01, 1999
Special Report No. 99-01: A Review of NOx Emission Control Strategies for Industrial Boilers, Kraft Recovery Furnaces, and Lime Kilns January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0777: Guidance on the Site-Specific Evaluation of Bioaccumulation Factors under the Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0788: Effects of the Phytosterol Stigmastanol on Early Life-Stages and Life-Cycles of Fathead Minnows and Ceriodaphnia dubia January 01, 1999
Special Report No. 99-03: Results of an Interlaboratory Study for the Comparison of EPA Chloroform Methods on Kraft Bleach Plant Effluents January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0778: Critical Evaluation of the Utility of the STREAMIX I Mixing Zone Model January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0789: Ammonia Emissions from Kraft Smelt Dissolving Tanks, Slaker Vents, and Causticizer Vents January 01, 1999
Special Report No. 99-04: A Summary of Available Data on the Chemical Composition of Forest Products Industry Solid Wastes January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0768: Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Wood Products Manufacturing Facilities, Part I – Plywood January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0779: An Inventory of Computer Models Addressing Bioaccumulation in Wildlife: 1982-1997 January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0791: Atmospheric Fate of Chlorine Dioxide, Chlorine, Formaldehyde, Methanol, Chloroform, and Acetaldehyde January 01, 1999
Special Report No. 99-02: Estimated Costs for the U.S. Forest Products Industry to Meet the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Target in the Kyoto Protocol January 01, 1999
Technical Bulletin No. 0769: Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Wood Products Manufacturing Facilities – Part II Engineered Wood Products January 01, 1999