Methane Generation Potentials for Segregated Pulp and Paper Wastes – NCASI Memo to Canadian Steering Committee March 16, 2020
CC-20-003: Stormwater – Draft MSGP Permit – EPA General NPDES Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Industrial Activities March 11, 2020
CC-20-002: The Navigable Waters Protection Rule: Definition of “Waters of the United States” February 14, 2020
Forestry BMPs Protect Aquatic Biodiversity in the Florida Panhandle Critical Biodiversity Area February 14, 2020
Environmental Effects of Microplastics in Aquatic Systems: State of the Science, Challenges, and Future Research Needs (WP-20-01) January 31, 2020
CC-20-001: EPCRA Section 313 Reporting for PFAS; National Defense Authorization Act and EPA Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking January 13, 2020