CC-12-031: Final Rule Correcting Inadvertent Error Requiring Inclusion of Condensable Particulate Matter in Determining Total Particulate Emissions November 08, 2012
CC-12-030: NCASI Submits Comments in Response to EPA Proposed CHP Emission Allocation Method October 19, 2012
CC-12-029: Findings of the EPA Science Advisory Board on EPA’s Draft Accounting Framework for Biogenic CO2 Emissions from Stationary Sources October 19, 2012
CC-12-027: Final Rule on National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Pulp and Paper Industry September 24, 2012
CC-12-026: CERCLA/SARA – Revisions of the Tier I and II Chemical Inventory Reporting Requirements August 14, 2012
CC-12-025: Promulgation of Method 16C for the Determination of Total Reduced Sulfur (TRS) Emissions from Stationary Sources August 08, 2012
CC-12-024: Request for Receiving Water Biological and Water Quality Data Associated with Permit-required/Mill-sponsored Studies July 23, 2012
CC-12-023: Proposal to Retain Current Greenhouse Gas Emission Thresholds for Title V and PSD Permitting Programs and Establish Requirements for Synthetic Minor Sources and Plant-Wide Applicability Lim July 16, 2012
CC-12-022: Proposal to Make Revisions to the Primary and Secondary National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Particulate Matter (PM10 and PM2.5) July 12, 2012
CC-12-018: Invitation to join NCASI’s new North American Sustainability Discussion Group and announcement of the Group’s first meeting June 04, 2012
CC-12-017: Final Rule Updating and Revising Analytical Methods and Sampling Procedures for Testing of Wastewater May 25, 2012
CC-12-015: Final Action on Secondary National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Oxides of Sulfur and Nitrogen April 10, 2012
CC-12-014: 2012 Updates for the NCASI Handbook of Chemical-Specific Information for SARA Section 313 Form R Reporting (2011 Reporting Year); Web Workshops April 09, 2012
CC-12-012: Proposal to Correct Inadvertent Error Requiring Inclusion of Condensible Particulate Matter in Determining Total Particulate Emissions March 28, 2012
CC-12-010: Proposal to Retain Current Greenhouse Gas Emission Thresholds for Title V and PSD Permitting Programs and Establish Requirements for Synthetic Minor Sources and Plant-Wide Applicability Lim March 16, 2012
CC-12-011: SARA Section 313 Proposal to Require Electronic Filing of Form R and Form A March 16, 2012
CC-12-009: NPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activities March 12, 2012
CC-12-003: Availability of 2012 Air Toxics Emissions Database for Pulp and Paper Mill Sources January 20, 2012
CC-12-004: Availability of 2012 Criteria Air Pollutant Emissions Database for Pulp and Paper Mill Sources January 20, 2012
CC-12-005: Notice of Availability of Draft Recreational Water Quality Criteria and Request for Scientific Views January 20, 2012
CC-12-001: Proposed Amendments to the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Pulp and Paper Industry January 05, 2012