Technical Bulletin No. 0515: Results of Laboratory Studies of Bleaching Parameters Affecting Chloroform Production from Kraft Pulps January 01, 1987
Special Report No. 87-09: A Survey of Pulp and Paper Industry Environmental Protection Expenditures – 1986 January 01, 1987
Technical Bulletin No. 0516: Modification to the Groundwater Solute Transport Model, the Random Walk, and User's Manual for NCASI Version, GWSTRW January 01, 1987
Special Report No. 87-11: First Progress Report on the Assessment of Potential Health Risks from Use of Bleached Board and Paper Food Packaging and Food Contact Products January 01, 1987
Special Report No. 87-01: Information in the EPA BACT/LAER Clearinghouse of Value to the Forest Products Industry – Third Update January 01, 1987
Special Report No. 87-12: Proceedings of the 1987 NCASI Central-Lake States Regional Meeting January 01, 1987
Special Report No. 87-02: Proceedings of the NCASI Central-Lake States Regional Meeting January 01, 1987
Special Report No. 87-05: Estimates of Sulfur Dioxide and Oxides of Nitrogen Emissions from Forest Products Manufacturing Facilities January 01, 1987
Technical Bulletin No. 0513: Guidelines to Methods for the Analyses of the Effects of Effluent on the Flavor of Fish January 01, 1987
Special Report No. 87-07: Executive Summary Dioxin: A Critical Review of Its Distribution, Mechanism of Action, Impacts on Human Health, and the Setting of Acceptable Exposure Limi January 01, 1987
Technical Bulletin No. 0514: Managing Oregon's Riparian Zone for Timber, Fish, and Wildlife January 01, 1987
Special Report No. 87-08: An Examination of Monitored and Modeled One Hour Average Ambient SO2 Concentrations in the Vicinity of Pulp and Paper Mills January 01, 1987
Technical Bulletin No. 0482: A Laboratory Study of the Effects of Fine Sediments on Survival of Three Species of Pacific Salmon from Eyed Egg to Fry Emergence January 01, 1986
Technical Bulletin No. 0493: A Survey of Formaldehyde and Total Gaseous Non-Methane Organic Compound Emissions from Particleboard Press Vents January 01, 1986
Technical Bulletin No. 0505: A Review and Further Documentation of the Groundwater Solute Transport Model Random Walk and Guidance for Its Use January 01, 1986
Technical Bulletin No. 0483: A Study of the Effectiveness of Sediment Traps for the Collection of Sediment from Small Forest Plot Studies January 01, 1986
Technical Bulletin No. 0494: A Laboratory Study of Pre-Biological Treatment Color Reduction Technology Effectiveness for Selected Kraft Streams January 01, 1986
Technical Bulletin No. 0506: Time Variable Modeling of ASB Systems and Examination of an Aerator Control Strategy January 01, 1986
Special Report No. 86-05: A Survey of Pulp and Paper Industry Environmental Protection Expenditures – 1985 January 01, 1986
Technical Bulletin No. 0484: Evaluation of the NCASI ASB Model Accuracy for Projecting Upgraded Process Performance January 01, 1986
Technical Bulletin No. 0501: Procedures for the Analysis of Resin and Fatty Acids in Pulp Mill Effluents January 01, 1986
Technical Bulletin No. 0495: Forest Health and Air Quality in the Western United States January 01, 1986
Technical Bulletin No. 0507: 1983 Review of the Literature on Forest Management Practices, Hydrology, and Water Quality Protection January 01, 1986
Technical Bulletin No. 0485: Laboratory and Field Examination of Several Area, Survey, and Personnel Workplace Atmosphere Chlorine Monitors January 01, 1986
Technical Bulletin No. 0496: Accessing Forest Practice Rules and Managing to Avoid Landslides and Cumulative Effects January 01, 1986
Technical Bulletin No. 0508: Summary and Interpretation of USDA Forest Service Report on 'Pine Growth Reductions in the Southeast' January 01, 1986
Technical Bulletin No. 0486: Initial Review of Some Outfall Dispersion Models and an Asymptotic Jet Dispersion Model for Use in River Systems January 01, 1986
Technical Bulletin No. 0497: 1985 Review of the Literature on Pulp and Paper Effluent Management January 01, 1986
Technical Bulletin No. 0487: An Evaluation of Certain Limitations of the Chromotropic Acid Method for Measurement of Formaldehyde in Wastewaters January 01, 1986
Technical Bulletin No. 0498: NCASI Methods for the Analysis of Chlorinated Phenolics in Pulp Industry Wastewaters January 01, 1986
Technical Bulletin No. 0510: 1984 Review of the Literature on Forest Management Practices, Hydrology, and Water Quality Protection and Management January 01, 1986
Technical Bulletin No. 0488: A Cooperative Study to Examine Treated Pulp and Paper Industry Effluents for Settleable Solids January 01, 1986