Technical Bulletin No. 0044: Factors Affecting Reduced Sulfur Emissions from the Kraft Recovery Furnace and Direct Contact Evaporator (AQTB) January 01, 1969
Technical Bulletin No. 0228: Technological Trends in Mill Effluent Color Reduction, Dewatered Sludge Disposal and Kraft Mill Atmospheric Emission Control January 01, 1969
Technical Bulletin No. 0230: A Guide to the Determination of Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Dissolved Oxygen, Suspended and Settleable Solids, and Turbidity of Pulp and Paper Mill Effl January 01, 1969
Technical Bulletin No. 0231: The Use of Aerial Photogrammetry and Fluorescent Spectroscopy to Evaluate Ocean Outfall Dispersion of Kraft Effluent January 01, 1969
Technical Bulletin No. 0232: A Critical Review of the Literature on Slime Infestation – II – 1957-1969 January 01, 1969
Technical Bulletin No. 0041: Compendium of Methods for Measuring Ambient Air Quality and Process Emissions Part 1 – Basic Information (AQTB) January 01, 1969
Technical Bulletin No. 0042: The Control of Particulate and Gaseous Emissions from Coal-fired Stationery Combustion Units (AQTB) January 01, 1969
Technical Bulletin No. 0043: Performance Characteristics of Ambient SO2 Analyzers (AQTB) January 01, 1969
Technical Bulletin No. 0221: Kraft Mill Waste Treatment in the United States — A Status Report January 01, 1968
Technical Bulletin No. 0211: New Developments in Design and Operation of Primary Clarification and Sludge Dewatering Facilities at Five West Coast Mills January 01, 1968
Technical Bulletin No. 0222: Treatment of Pulp and Paper Wastes in Publicly Owned Facilities January 01, 1968
Technical Bulletin No. 0212: Surface Properties of Hydrogels Resulting from the Treatment of Pulp and Papermill Effluents January 01, 1968
Technical Bulletin No. 0223: The Effect of Waste Activated Sludge Addition on Vacuum Filtration of Primary Clarifier Sludges January 01, 1968
Technical Bulletin No. 0213: A Study of Pipeline Flow Characteristics of Pulp and Papermill Sludges January 01, 1968
Technical Bulletin No. 0224: Biochemical Oxidation Characteristics of Cellulosic Fibres in Aqueous Suspension and in the Soil January 01, 1968
Technical Bulletin No. 0214: A Manual of Practice for Biological Waste Treatment in the Pulp and Paper Industry January 01, 1968
Technical Bulletin No. 0225: Surface Properties of Hydrogels Resulting from Treatment of Pulp and Paper January 01, 1968
Technical Bulletin No. 0035: Analytical Equipment and Monitoring Devices for Gases and Particulates (AQTB) January 01, 1968
Technical Bulletin No. 0216: The Effect of Oxidized Starch Dispersing Power on Turbidity Removal from Aqueous Pigment Suspensions by Sedimentation and Coagulation January 01, 1968
Technical Bulletin No. 0217: The Effects of Unbleached Kraft Mill Effluents on Salmon January 01, 1968
Technical Bulletin No. 0037: Compendium of Methods for Measuring Ambient Air Quality and Process Emissions Section 4 – Ambient Air Monitoring for Particulate Matter (AQTB) January 01, 1968
Technical Bulletin No. 0218: Long-term Storage as an Effective Method of Treating Pulp and Paper Mill Wastes January 01, 1968
Technical Bulletin No. 0038: Compendium of Methods for Measuring Ambient Air Quality and Process Emissions Section 11A – Gaseous Emissions – Automatic Techniques – Electrolytic Tit January 01, 1968
Technical Bulletin No. 0219: Studies on the Behavior of Benthal Deposits on Papermill Origin January 01, 1968
Technical Bulletin No. 0039: Survey of Current Black Liquor Oxidation Practices in the Kraft Industry (AQTB) January 01, 1968
Technical Bulletin No. 0220: Biological Waste Treatment Case Histories in the Pulp and Paper Industry January 01, 1968
Technical Bulletin No. 0034: Current Practices in Thermal Oxidation of Noncondensible Gases in the Kraft Industry (AQTB) January 01, 1967
Technical Bulletin No. 0205: The Effects of Coating Room Losses on Effluent Clarification January 01, 1967
Technical Bulletin No. 0206: Mathematical Models of Pulp and Paper Waste Disposal Systems January 01, 1967
Technical Bulletin No. 0207: Effects of Heat on Dewaterability of Biological Sludges January 01, 1967
Technical Bulletin No. 0209: Progress in Primary and Secondary Sludge Disposal at Three Integrated Southeastern Papermills January 01, 1967
Technical Bulletin No. 0210: Effects of Kraft Pulp Mill Effluent on the Production and Food Relations of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in Laboratory Streams January 01, 1967