Special Report No. 00-01: A Survey of Analytical Methodologies for the Determination of Polychlorinated Dioxins and Furans August 01, 2000
Technical Bulletin No. 0804: Laboratory Studies of In-digester Black Liquor Oxidation for TRS Destruction May 01, 2000
Technical Bulletin No. 0805: Examination of Alternative Statistical Methods for Monitoring BMP Performance May 01, 2000
Technical Bulletin No. 0803: An Update of Procedures for the Measurement of Color in Pulp Mill Wastewaters May 01, 2000
Technical Bulletin No. 0800: Land Management Tools for the Maintenance of Biological Diversity: An Evaluation of Existing Forestland Classification Schemes March 01, 2000
Technical Bulletin No. 0801: Economic Comparisons Between Even-aged and Uneven-aged Loblolly Pine Silvicultural Systems March 01, 2000
Technical Bulletin No. 0798: Utilizing Paper Mill By-Products as Forest Soil Amendments: Forest Responses, Recommendations, and Industry Case Studies February 01, 2000
Technical Bulletin No. 0815: Design of Stream Sampling Networks and a GIS Method for Assessing Spatial Bias January 01, 2000
Technical Bulletin No. 0816: Effects of Western Hemlock Wood Leachate on the Early Life Stage and Life Cycle of the Fathead Minnow January 01, 2000
Technical Bulletin No. 0817: A Laboratory Evaluation of Five Commercially Available Direct-reading Workplace Formaldehyde Samplers January 01, 2000
Technical Bulletin No. 0818: Literature Review on Micronutrients in Aerobic Biological Wastewater Treatment January 01, 2000
Technical Bulletin No. 0807: Bench-scale Testing of Processes to Reduce Metals Concentrations in Pulp and Paper Mill Wastewaters January 01, 2000
Technical Bulletin No. 0809: 1999 Review of the Literature on Pulp and Paper Industry Effluent Management January 01, 2000
Technical Bulletin No. 0810: Evaluation of the Oxyver Analysis Method and the Effects of Sample Preservation on Chemical Oxygen Demand January 01, 2000
Technical Bulletin No. 0811: Effects of Biologically Treated Bleached Kraft Mill Effluent from a Mill Practicing 70% Chlorine Dioxide Substitution and Oxygen Delignification on the January 01, 2000
Technical Bulletin No. 0812: Effects of Biologically Treated Effluent from a Recovered Fiber/Non-deinking Paper Mill on Early Life Stages and Life Cycles of the Fathead Minnow January 01, 2000
Technical Bulletin No. 0813: Effects of Biologically Treated Chlorine-bleached/Unbleached Kraft Pulp Mill Effluent on Early Life Stages and Life Cycles of the Fathead Minnow and C January 01, 2000
Technical Bulletin No. 0814: Beneficial Use of Pulp and Paper Industry Residuals: Extrusion for the Manufacture of Building Panels January 01, 2000