Technical Bulletin No. 0323: Factors Contributing to Cost Differences between Publicly-Owned and Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facilities January 01, 1979
Special Report No. 79-02: A Survey of State Assessment Procedures for Silvicultural Nonpoint Source Control Programs January 01, 1979
Technical Bulletin No. 0105: A Study of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Kraft Recovery Furnaces (AQTB) January 01, 1979
Technical Bulletin No. 0324: Factors to be Considered in the Choice to Participate in Publicly-Owned Treatment Systems January 01, 1979
Special Report No. 79-03: A Survey of Pulp and Paper Industry Environmental Protection Expenditures – 1978 January 01, 1979
Technical Bulletin No. 0325: Chemical Characterization and Determination of Relative Effluent Odor Contribution of Selected Process Streams January 01, 1979
Technical Bulletin No. 0326: Use of Mathematical Modelling in the Development of Areawide 208 Plans January 01, 1979
Technical Bulletin No. 0327: A Review of the Mathematical Water Quality Model DOSAG and Guidance for Its Use January 01, 1979
Technical Bulletin No. 0328: Current Research, Research Needs, and Problems in Assessing Impact of Forest Management Practices on Water Quality and Utility January 01, 1979
Technical Bulletin No. 0318: A Laboratory Investigation of the Potential for Applying V-Presses to the Dewatering of Sludges with Diminished Fiber Content and Increased Biological January 01, 1979
Technical Bulletin No. 0100: Estimated Ground Level Concentrations of Sulfur Dioxide and Particulate Matter for Selected Kraft Mill Sizes Using EPA Dispersion Models (AQTB) January 01, 1979
Technical Bulletin No. 0319: Nature and Environmental Behavior of Manufacturing-derived Solid Wastes of Pulp and Paper Origin January 01, 1979
Technical Bulletin No. 0101: Atmospheric Quality Protection Literature Review – 1978 (AQTB) January 01, 1979
Technical Bulletin No. 0320: 1978 Review of the Literature on Pulp and Paper Effluent Management January 01, 1979
Technical Bulletin No. 0102: A Study of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Wood Residue Boilers (AQTB) January 01, 1979
Technical Bulletin No. 0321: Further Studies of Sediment Oxygen Demand Measurement and Its Variability January 01, 1979
Technical Bulletin No. 0103: Programs and Studies to Define the Impact of Point Source Emissions and Prescribed Burning on Ambient Air Quality (AQTB) January 01, 1979
Technical Bulletin No. 0322: A Review of Current Knowledge and Research on the Impact of Alternative Forest Management Practices on Receiving Water Quality January 01, 1979
Special Report No. 79-01: Experience with EPA's Priority Pollutants Sample Handling and Shipping Protocol January 01, 1979
Technical Bulletin No. 0104: A Review of Terrain and Other Physiographic Features at U.S. Pulp Mill Sites and Their Implications in Defining Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling Needs January 01, 1979
Technical Bulletin No. 0094: A Study of Particulate Size Distribution in Emissions from Controlled Sources in the Kraft Process (AQTB) January 01, 1978
Technical Bulletin No. 0311: Response of Selected Paper Industry Sludges to Alternate Solid Waste Toxic Extraction Procedures January 01, 1978
Technical Bulletin No. 0095: A Laboratory and Field Study of Factors Affecting the Soluble Sulfide Control of Lime Mud (AQTB) January 01, 1978
Technical Bulletin No. 0301: Effects of Bleached Kraft Mill Effluent on Growth and Production of Fish in Experimental Stream Channels – Second Progress Report January 01, 1978
Technical Bulletin No. 0312: The Effect of Temperature on Treatment Plant Performance and Related Temperature Studies January 01, 1978
Technical Bulletin No. 0096: Information on the Sulfur Content of Bark and Its Contribution to SO2 Emissions When Burned as a Fuel (AQTB) January 01, 1978
Technical Bulletin No. 0302: An Examination of Porous Polymer Resins for Analytical Use and Removal of Compounds in Kraft Effluent Responsible for Short Term Bioassay Response January 01, 1978
Technical Bulletin No. 0313: A Study of the Fate of Suspended Solids from a Full Scale Treatment Plant in Receiving Waters January 01, 1978
Technical Bulletin No. 0097: A Study of the Use of Bag Sampling in Determining TRS Emission from Kraft Pulping Sources (AQTB) January 01, 1978
Special Report No. 78-01: Proceedings of the 1977 NCASI Central-Lake States Regional Meeting January 01, 1978
Technical Bulletin No. 0303: Characterization of Dispersed Residual Solids in Biologically Treated Pulp and Paper Mill Effluents January 01, 1978
Technical Bulletin No. 0314: A Review of Industry Experience with Selected Internal Process Solids Separation Devices January 01, 1978
Technical Bulletin No. 0098: The Effect of a Wet Bottom Precipitator Upon Recovery Furnace TRS Emission (AQTB) January 01, 1978
Technical Bulletin No. 0304: An Investigation of the Extent of Residual Biosolids Deposition in Quiescent Receiving Waters January 01, 1978
Technical Bulletin No. 0315: A Review of the Operational Experience with Belt Filter Presses for Sludge Dewatering in the North American Pulp and Paper Industry January 01, 1978
Technical Bulletin No. 0099: A Review of Air Quality Impacts of Prescribed Forestry Burning and Identified Research Needs (AQTB) January 01, 1978