Technical Bulletin No. 0762: Reproduction Responses of Adult Fathead Minnows Exposed to Pulp or Paper Mill Effluents During Spawning August 01, 1998
Technical Bulletin No. 0761: Results of the Evaluation of H2S Passive Card Monitors for Use in Kraft Mill Workplace Atmospheres August 01, 1998
Technical Bulletin No. 0763: Membrane Technology Applications in the Pulp and Paper Industry August 01, 1998
Technical Bulletin No. 0759: Effect of Freeze-Thaw on the Hydraulic Conductivity of Three Paper Mill Sludges: Laboratory and Field Evaluation July 01, 1998
Technical Bulletin No. 0760: Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Oxygen Delignification and Chlorine Dioxide Bleaching of Wood Pulp July 01, 1998
Technical Bulletin No. 0758: Marine Chronic Bioassays – Technical Evaluations and Effluent Responses with EPA East Coast Methods June 01, 1998
Technical Bulletin No. 0756: Technical and Economic Feasibility Assessment of Metals Reduction in Pulp and Paper Mill Wastewaters May 01, 1998
Technical Bulletin No. 0757: A Synopsis of Recent Studies on the Impacts of Pulping Effluents in the Aquatic Environment May 01, 1998
Technical Bulletin No. 0754: Effluent Quality Characteristics at North American Kraft Mills Employing Complete Substitution Bleaching April 01, 1998
Technical Bulletin No. 0755: Effects of Biologically Treated Unbleached Kraft Pulp Mill Effluent on Early Stages and Life Cycles of Fathead Minnow and Ceriodaphnia dubia April 01, 1998
Technical Bulletin No. 0753: 1997 Review of the Literature on Pulp and Paper Industry Effluent Management March 01, 1998
Special Report No. 98-02: Estimated CO2 Emissions Resulting from Compliance with U.S. Federal Environmental Regulations in the Forest Products Industry January 01, 1998
Special Report No. 98-01: NCASI Guidance on Sampling, Contracting, and Auditing Analytical Data for the Effluent Limitations Guidelines Monitoring Parameters January 01, 1998
Special Report No. 98-03: A Survey of Pulp and Paper Industry Environmental Protection Expenditures – 1997 January 01, 1998
Technical Bulletin No. 0751: Experimental Stream Responses to Biologically-Treated Bleached Kraft Mill Effluent Before and After Mill Process Changes to Increased Chlorine Dioxide December 01, 1997
Technical Bulletin No. 0747: An Evaluation Framework for the Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance Version 3 Model, Part I – Model Evaluation November 01, 1997
Technical Bulletin No. 0748: An Evaluation Framework for the Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance Version 3 Model, Part II – Sensitivity, First Order Error, and Monte Car November 01, 1997
Technical Bulletin No. 0749: An Evaluation Framework for the Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance Version 3 Model: Part III. Verification and Code Analysis November 01, 1997
Technical Bulletin No. 0750: A Field-Scale Study of the Use of Paper Industry Sludge November 01, 1997
Technical Bulletin No. 0746: Development and Evaluation of a Method for the Determination of Phytosterols in Pulp and Paper Mill Effluents October 01, 1997
Technical Bulletin No. 0745: Characterization of Residual Nutrients Discharged with Biologically-Treated Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent October 01, 1997
Technical Bulletin No. 0743: A Review of the Nonpoint Source Watershed Model HSPF and Its Utility to the Forest Products Industry September 01, 1997
Technical Bulletin No. 0744: An Overview of EPA's Watershed Model BASINS and Related Federal Spatial Data Products September 01, 1997
Technical Bulletin No. 0742: 1996 Review of the Literature on Pulp and Paper Industry Effluent Management July 01, 1997
Technical Bulletin No. 0734: An Analytical Method For, and Characterization of, Catechol and Phenol in Black Liquor and Pulp Mill Wastewaters July 01, 1997
Technical Bulletin No. 0735: Evaluation of EPA's Permit Compliance System (PCS) Database July 01, 1997
Technical Bulletin No. 0736: Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Non-Chemical Pulp and Paper Mill Sources, Part I – Screening Study July 01, 1997
Technical Bulletin No. 0737: Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Non-Chemical Pulp and Paper Mill Sources, Part II – Recycled Paperboard and Old Corrugated Container Stock Pre July 01, 1997
Technical Bulletin No. 0738: Volatile Organic Compund Emissions from Non-Chemical Pulp and Paper Mill Sources, Part III – Mechanical Pulping July 01, 1997
Technical Bulletin No. 0739: Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Non-Chemical Pulp and Paper Mill Sources, Part IV – Deinking Processes July 01, 1997
Technical Bulletin No. 0740: Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Non-Chemical Pulp and Paper Mill Sources, Part V – Paper Machines July 01, 1997
Technical Bulletin No. 0741: Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Non-Chemical Pulp and Paper Mill Sources, Part VI – Test Methods, Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures July 01, 1997
Technical Bulletin No. 0733: Experience at Recycled Paperboard and Containerboard Mills Operating at or Near Zero Discharge June 01, 1997
Technical Bulletin No. 0732: Effects of Biologically-Treated Elemental Chlorine Free Bleached Kraft Mill Effluent on Early Life-Stages and Life-Cycles of the Fathead Minnow (Pimeph March 01, 1997
Special Report No. 97-11: A Survey of Pulp and Paper Industry Environmental Protection Expenditures – 1996 January 01, 1997
Special Report No. 97-01: Landfill Leachate Management in the Pulp and Paper Industry January 01, 1997
Special Report No. 97-12: Proceedings of the 1997 NCASI Central-Lake States Regional Meeting January 01, 1997
Special Report No. 97-02: Trends in Emissions of Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxides from Pulp and Paper Mills, 1980-1995 January 01, 1997